by Bren Hopkins | Oct 18, 2022 | Digital Health
Many companies have been unsuccessful in identifying the right data strategy that can give them sustained competitive advantage. Lack of data maturity has been a reason for this failure. To achieve their data ambitions, organizations need to focus on the impact areas...
by health | Jan 5, 2018 | consumerism, Continuum of Care, Digital Consumer Health, Digital Health, Healthcare Analytics, Healthcare Design, Healthcare Innovation, Mobility, outcomes
Granite Bay startup launches solution to help solve the opioid crisis (Published in Comstock’s Magazine) The opioid crisis was born in the late 1990s. Pharmaceutical companies said opioids — a class of drugs that produce pleasurable effects and relieve pain —...
by Bren Hopkins | Aug 11, 2017 | Digital Health, Healthcare Events, Healthcare Innovation
EVERYONE INCLUDEDTM Kickstarting successful movements for change See the emerging technologies today shaping the healthcare delivery landscape. Meet the innovators who are disrupting health care throughout the globe. Everyone Included™ is a framework for health care...
by Bren Hopkins | Feb 27, 2016 | Digital Health, Healthcare Design
The typical nurse’s day is active and multi-faceted. A nurse may walk up to five miles in a ten-hour shift (, all the while facing fluctuating conditions throughout his or her workflow: collaborating with doctors...
by Bren Hopkins | Feb 14, 2016 | Digital Consumer Health, Healthcare Predictions
Proponents of “the quantified self” phenomenon argue that the data we collect is for self-knowledge and self-empowerment. But, will having more data and simply knowing more won’t necessarily help us live healthier and more informed lives ? With almost five...
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