by Bren Hopkins | Jan 28, 2023 | Digital Health
The US healthcare industry faces demanding conditions in 2023, including recessionary pressure, continuing high inflation rates, labor shortages, and endemic COVID-19. But players are not standing still. More investment in data digitization and interoperability As the...
by Bren Hopkins | Jan 7, 2017 | Digital Consumer Health, Digital Health, outcomes
Increase quality, decrease cost..oftentimes, quality, profitability and sustainability operate at odds with each other. This is why the use of design thinking is needed in the strategic and planning stages for a new process, system or policy. First, it helps to...
by Bren Hopkins | Feb 27, 2016 | Digital Health, Healthcare Design
The typical nurse’s day is active and multi-faceted. A nurse may walk up to five miles in a ten-hour shift (, all the while facing fluctuating conditions throughout his or her workflow: collaborating with doctors...
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