by Bren Hopkins | Jan 28, 2023 | Digital Health
The US healthcare industry faces demanding conditions in 2023, including recessionary pressure, continuing high inflation rates, labor shortages, and endemic COVID-19. But players are not standing still. More investment in data digitization and interoperability As the...
by Bren Hopkins | Apr 4, 2022 | Continuum of Care, Digital Consumer Health, Digital Health, Healthcare Analytics, Healthcare IT, Informatics, Mobility
The ViVE conference this week brought together the leadership of CHIME and the digital marketplace of HLTH to create a technology event focused on the business of healthcare systems. An important discussion I had between 3 health system CIOs was around how cloud...
by Bren Hopkins | Mar 10, 2016 | Digital Health, Healthcare Analytics, Healthcare IT, Informatics
Clinicians understand the importance leading the decision making in healthcare systems for technology that impacts patient care. According to the 576 respondents of the 2015 HIMSS Impact of Informatic Nurse Survey, informatic nurses were widely seen as bringing value...
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