In recent years, healthcare consulting has become an increasingly important field, as healthcare providers face a range of complex challenges, from rising costs to the need for more effective patient care.

In recent years, healthcare consulting has become an increasingly important field, as healthcare providers face a range of complex challenges, from rising costs to the need for more effective patient care.

At its core, healthcare consulting is all about finding innovative solutions to these challenges. Consultants work closely with healthcare organizations, from hospitals to private practices, to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to achieve better...
Top 5 Trends in Healthcare for 2023

Top 5 Trends in Healthcare for 2023

The US healthcare industry faces demanding conditions in 2023, including recessionary pressure, continuing high inflation rates, labor shortages, and endemic COVID-19. But players are not standing still. More investment in data digitization and interoperability As the...
Achieving Transparency in Healthcare

Achieving Transparency in Healthcare

            The Transparency in Coverage Final Rule, issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), requires health insurers to disclose pricing for covered services and items. Insurers must include the rates they have...
Why can’t we find a cure for cancer ?

Why can’t we find a cure for cancer ?

During the funeral service this week of a dear friend who died from cancer, I was reminded how many close people to me have been claimed with this disease. I have lost both of my parents, a 12 year old cousin, 1 grandmother and 1 grandfather and 2 of my dogs….in...